What are essential oils?
Essential oils are natural extracts from seeds, stems, roots, flowers, bark and other parts of plants. The substances obtained represent an incredibly potent concentrate. They are complex aromatic compounds – highly concentrated. They therefore contain a full load of nature.
Essential oils can have a variety of physical and emotional effects. They have been valued for centuries for their therapeutic characteristics and can help support a healthy lifestyle and improve physical and emotional health.
How do they work?
The essential oils pass through the skin, respiratory or digestive organs, through the cell wall and directly into the vascular system. They are also able to cross the blood-brain barrier and can therefore have a positive influence on our psyche.
Essential oils then pass through the skin barrier and have an effect on the whole body. After just 22 seconds they reach the brain, after 2 minutes they are detectable in the bloodstream & after 20 minutes they have an effect in every cell of the body.
Yoga & Essential Oils
When was the last time you sniffed the fresh forest air? Filled your lungs with a few deep breaths of salty sea air? Taken a nap in a freshly mown meadow?
Scents create memories and connections, and they directly influence our emotions. Like yoga, they have been known for centuries as a means of relaxation, harmony and balance for body, mind and soul.
Just like pranayama and asanas, essential oils help to re-energise, purify and release blockages. They can lift the mood, give us new mental impulses or lead us to deep relaxation.
Oils are the perfect addition to your yoga practice to create an atmosphere of calm energy and balance and to create your own personal yoga moments to a new level.

Types of use
The oils can be applied externally with a diffuser or inhaled directly by rubbing them on the palms of the hands.
The oils work very effectively on our pulse points or on the skin of our body, where the appropriate oil is applied and massaged in.
Most oils are also suitable for internal use due to their 100% purity. To do this, place the oil under the tongue, add to water or pour into an empty veggie cap and swallow.
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